Nvidia DLI – Deep Learning for Industrial Inspection

Official instructor-led NVIDIA DLI workshop


Nvidia DLI – Deep Learning for Industrial Inspection


Dr. Laszlo Kovacs, kovacs.laszlo@inf.unideb.hu

Content and organization

Whether companies are manufacturing semiconductor chips, airplanes, automobiles, smartphones, or food and beverages, quality and throughput are key benefits of optimization. Poor quality and throughput can result in significant operational, financial, and reputational costs. Deep learning-based computer vision technology enables manufacturers to perform automated visual inspection. Compared to traditional visual inspection processes—which are often manual and rules-based—visual inspection AI can improve efficiency, reduce operating costs, and deliver more consistent results. In this Deep Learning Institute (DLI) workshop, developers will learn how to create an end-to-end hardware-accelerated industrial inspection pipeline to automate defect detection. Using NVIDIA’s own real production data set as an example, we’ll illustrate how the application can be easily applied to a variety of manufacturing use cases. Developers will also learn to identify and mitigate common pitfalls in deep learning-based computer vision tasks, and be able to deploy and measure the effectiveness of their AI solution. All workshop attendees get access to fully configured, GPU-accelerated servers in the cloud, guidance from a DLI certified instructor, and the opportunity to network with other developers, data scientists, and researchers attending the workshop. Attendees can also earn a certificate to prove subject matter competency and support professional growth.



Course Duration

8 hours

Course Type

Short Course

Participation terms

Free of charge for university students and staff. An understanding of fundamental programming concepts in Python such as functions, loops, dictionaries, and arrays is a prerequisite.

Lecture Plan

Data on the Hardware Level (60 mins), ETL with NVTabular (120), Data Visualization (120 mins), Final Project: Data Detective (60 mins)


10.11.2024 9:00– 10.11.2024 17:00 CET



Modality (online/in person):



Upon successful completion of the assessment, the participant will receive an Nvidia Certificate of Competency.

Host Institution
Nvidia Deep Learning Institute, Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Hungary

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