Ethics in AI and Robotics

Ethics in AI and Robotics


Ethics in AI and Robotics


Jennife Renoux,

Content and organization

This course discusses the ethical implications of conducting research about AI and robotics systems and developing such systems. It will provide the students with a theoretical understanding of ethical questions related to AI and robotics. It will also feature practical exercises and case studies to apply this knowledge and learn how to concretely approach their thesis and future research and development work from an ethical point of view. Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to be able to autonomously reflect and act upon ethical considerations related to their research work.

The course will be organized into the following modules:

  1. Algorithmic bias and societal impact of AI development
  2. Accountability, Responsibility, Transparency
  3. Ethics of robotics

The course follows an “inverted classroom” format. Lectures are pre-recorded and available at any time on the course page. Three mandatory synchronous meetings are organized for case studies and interactive activities. These meetings will take place in a hybrid format on the following dates:

  • May 3rd 13:00-16:00
  • May 17th 13:00-16:00
  • June 16th 13.00-16.00

The course will be graded based on an examination seminar (on the third meeting) and a written report handed in by the student.


Registration is free of charge. Both AIDA and non-AIDA students are encouraged to participate If you are an AIDA Student already, please:

Step (a): Register for the course on Örebro University’s system (course link:


Step (b): Enroll in the same course in the AIDA system using the button below so that this course enters your AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance.

If you are not an AIDA Student, do only step (a). *AIDA Students should have been registered in the AIDA system already (they are Ph.D. students or PostDocs that belong only to the AIDA Members listed in this page: Members)

The Deadline for registrations is April 14. Since this course includes many group discussion and class work, we limit the number of participants to 20 students, among which 5 to 10 spots can be used for AIDA and non-AIDA students.

Selection of applicants admitted to doctoral studies and who otherwise meet the admission requirements is based on the following order of priority.

1. Doctoral students admitted to Örebro University´s doctoral research school CoAIRob
2. Doctoral students admitted to the International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA)
3. Other applicants admitted to a doctoral program


Doctoral Students

Course Duration

80 hours (including online lectures, synchronous meetings, and self-study)

Course Type

Semester Course



Marking Scheme

Pass / Fail

Lecture Plan

Three mandatory synchronous meetings : May 3rd 13:00-16:00 , May 17th 13:00-16:00, June 16th 13.00-16.00



Modality (online/in person):



Featured image: Alina Constantin / Better Images of AI / Handmade A.I / CC-BY 4.0

Host Institution
Örebro University

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