Supporting templates
Find the relevant templates below:
AIDA Lecturer Confirmation Template
Dear AIDA Lecturer,
For AIDA system security reasons, your status as a member of staff of your University/Research Institute/Company must be confirmed.
Therefore, please ask your AIDA representative to reply to us asap by email and include (or edit, if needed) the following text in her/his reply:
a. I confirm that (name/email) is Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Lecturer/Postdoc researcher/other (specify) at our University/ Research Institute/Company.
b. I do not have any objection that she/he becomes AIDA Lecturer.
Her/his prompt reply is very important so that we confirm your status as AIDA Lecturer for the security of the AIDA web system. If the status is confirmed, her/his reply will be stored in the AIDA system in your electronic record.
AIDA non PhD Student Confirmation Template
Dear AIDA Student (Postdoc),
For AIDA system security reasons, your status as a member of staff of your University/Research Institute/Company must be confirmed.
Therefore, please ask your mentor (if she/he is an AIDA Lecturer) or, otherwise, your AIDA representative to reply to us asap by email and include (or edit, if needed) the following text in her/his reply:
a. I confirm that (name/email) is Post-doc researcher at our University/Research Institute/Company.
b. I do not have any objection that she/he becomes AIDA Student.
Her/his prompt reply is very important so that we confirm your status as AIDA Student for the security of the AIDA web system. If the status is confirmed, her/his reply will be stored in the AIDA system in your electronic record.
AIDA PhD Student Confirmation Template
Dear AIDA Ph.D. Student,
For AIDA system security reasons, your status as a Ph.D. student of your University/Research Institute/Company must be confirmed.
Therefore, please ask your Ph.D. supervisor (if she/he is an AIDA Lecturer) or, otherwise, your AIDA representative to reply to us asap by email and include (or edit, if needed) the following text in her/his reply:
a. I confirm that (name/email) supervised by (name/email ) is a Ph.D. candidate at our University/ (or is a PhD candidate at University [ADD UNIVERSITY NAME] and works at Research Institute/Company).
b. I do not have any objection that she/he becomes an AIDA Student.
Her/his prompt reply is very important so that we confirm your status as AIDA Student for the security of the AIDA web system. If the status is confirmed, her/his reply will be stored in the AIDA system in your electronic record.
AIDA Course Dissemination Template
[ADD UNIVERSITY NAME] University organizes an online AIDA short course on “[COURSE TOPIC OR TITLE]” offered through the International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA).
The purpose of this course is to overview the foundations and the current state of the art in [ADD COURSE THEME]
This short course will cover the following topics:
– [Add Topic1]
– [Add Topic2]
The targeted applications will be in [ADD number].
LECTURER: [Add NAME], email: [Add email address]
REGISTRATION: Free of charge [Add other information]
WHEN: [Add Date] 2022 from [Add time] to [Add time] CET
WHERE: Online [Add other]
Both AIDA and non-AIDA students are encouraged to participate in this short course.
If you are an AIDA Student* already, please:
- Step (a) register for the course by following the Course Link [Add LINK] AND
- Step (b) enroll in the same course in the AIDA system using the button below, so that this course enters your AIDA Course Attendance Certificate.
If you are not an AIDA Student do only step (a).
*AIDA Students should have been registered in the AIDA system already (they are Ph.D. students or PostDocs that belong only to the AIDA Members listed on this PAGE:
Prof. [Add Name],
Email [Add email address]
AIDA Lecturer duties before- after course Template
Dear Prof. [Add NAME],
Before the start of your course, please log in to your AIDA course in the AIDA www system go to the “User requests”, find your course and:
a) Accept (enroll) the AIDA Students
b) Define ECTS for the course (if any).
After the end of your course:
c) Go to ‘View enrolled students’ your course and, if they passed the course, change their status to ‘Participated without mark” (or ‘Participated with mark” and mark them) or ‘Failed’
d) Inform us of the number of non-AIDA students and AIDA students that attended/passed. Please note that these procedures are VERY important for AIDA (reporting and issuing AIDA certificates).
Thank you in advance.