How to become an AIDA Member
The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) is open to different types of organisations including Universities, Research institutes and Companies.
Follow these steps to become an AIDA member:
a) Ask your administration to send to Prof. Ioannis Pitas a statement on your institution’s intent to join AIDA by email. If your institution/company is not an ICT48 project partner, please fill and send the AIDA Member application template as well by email.
b) The next AIDA General Assembly will decide on this and invite you (there won’t be any major issues if your institution has AI activities, particularly if you are an H2020 ICT48 project partner).
c) You will receive the filled Multiparty AIDA accession Document and the Multiparty AIDA MoU v2.0 to be signed by your legal representative and countersigned by AUTH.