AIDA Lecture series/Semester courses courses may typically be semester courses or long lecture series or web courses of a duration ~40h and offer 5-7 ECTS credits. They are larger than a short course. Semester courses are typically part of the Curriculum of your University at any level (Undergraduate/MSc/PhD). They are offered by AIDA Lecturers (belonging to AIDA members) or external lecturers.

AIDA Lecture series/Semester courses offers: If you would like to offer AIDA Lecture Series or an AIDA Semester Course, please fill the AIDA Course/School Application Form and send it to the AIDA Educational Planning Committee chair.

Both AIDA Lecturers or external lecturers are welcome to apply.

AIDA Semester courses attendance: Anyone is welcomed to enrol and attend an AIDA Lecture series/Semester course, according to the rules of each course.

AIDA Students (PhD students, Post-doc researchers, possibly qualified MSc students of AIDA Members) are enrolled on preferential terms.

Students that are not associated with any AIDA member can access the courses by selecting the desired one and clicking on the "course link", instead of the "enrol" button.

AIDA members are presented in: Μembers

Enrolment: Interested students should enter the course webpage below to enrol.