Guide for AIDA students
AIDA students are PhD students/candidates or postdoc researchers belonging to any AIDA member.
How to register in AIDA website
If you are affiliated with one of the AIDA Members, you are eligible to register as an AIDA Student, enrol in and attend AIDA courses and get an AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance (CCA), containing all the AIDA courses you have attended.
If you have any technical questions on any of the above, please contact AIDA secretariat.
The registration procedure is the following:
a) Go to AIDA registration page or visit Home and click “Student” in the section “Apply to become a member” in “Home” of the AIDA website.
b) Fill in the form with your personal information (select your institution from the AIDA Members list, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Email, Telephone, Country, and Password).
Choose in the section “User type” whether you are a PhD student or a Non-PhD student (typically Postdoc). If you are a PhD student, you also need to include your supervisor’s first and last name and email address for verification purposes.
c) Once your registration is successfully submitted, you will receive confirmation via email and your application will be evaluated for validation. The AIDA administrator will review your application and send you an email to validate your status.
For AIDA system security reasons, your status as a member of staff of your University/Research Institute/Company needs to be confirmed by an AIDA Lecturer or an AIDA representative.
The AIDA non-PhD Student Confirmation Template and the AIDA PhD Student Confirmation Template can be found in the section “Supporting Templates“. If you have indicated a supervisor that is an AIDA Lecturer, she/he will also receive a notification via email to verify your identity and approve you as an AIDA student.
d) Once your registration is approved, you will have full access to request enrolment to AIDA courses.
If you are not affiliated with any of the AIDA members, you can still have access to the courses by selecting the desired one and clicking on the “course link”, instead of the “enrol” button.
How to enroll in an AIDA course
To enrol in an AIDA course, find the list with all the AIDA courses in the main menu of the AIDA website by clicking the option “Ph.D. Studies”.
There you can choose among the “AIDA Lecture Series/Semester courses offers”, “AIDA Short Courses offers” and “AIDA Seasonal Schools” to find the course you desire to attend.
You are also able to manually search an AIDA course by inputting its Title, Lecturer, or Host Institution at the search bar.
When you spot an AIDA course of interest, click on its title for additional information. In order to enrol, you need to click the enrolment button. Afterward, you will receive a confirmation via email that your expression of interest in this specific AIDA course was successfully submitted. The Lecturer of this AIDA course will be notified about your interest in the AIDA course and validate (accept) your enrolment or reject it.
You should enrol before the starting day of each specific course. You will be able to enrol after the starting day and before the finishing day, however, your enrolment may not be validated (accepted) by the Lecturer.
Enrolment in an AIDA course through the AIDA website may not be enough to attend the course! Check the PARTICIPATION TERMS. If the course has a dedicated link in the Host University (or Lecturer) site for your registration in this course, follow the link and register there as well.
Once the course is over, the AIDA course lecturer will enter your successful participation and your mark (if any) in the AIDA system and the course will appear in your AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance (CCA).
How to request your AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance (CCA)
Each AIDA Student is entitled to an AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance (CCA).To receive your CCA, please follow the path “My profile”>”My courses”>”Get certificate”.
The CCA will contain information on all AIDA courses successfully attended by the student until the date of the CCA issue. CCA will contain the following entries:
- AIDA Student Name, Surname
- For each attended course: Course title, Host Institution, Course type, Level, ECTS, Mark, Remarks.
When a University professor offers a course, the lecturer typically provides a certificate of attendance through her/his University procedures.
For any AIDA student, successful attendance to any AIDA course will enter his/her AIDA Certificate of Course Attendance (CCA) together with other courses he/ she attends.