AIDA sponsoring and support
AIDA activities are heavily based on sponsorship. If you want to sponsor AIDA, or specific AIDA events/activities, you can send a message to the AIDA chair Prof. Ioannis Pitas and the AIDA secretariat.
How to request AIDA sponsorship for an event
If you organize an AI-related event (e.g., a conference, workshop, competition, course, and summer school, to name a few options) you can
request for the AIDA sponsorship of your event.
If granted, you can use the AIDA logo on the event www page. This sponsorship is rather a seal of event quality, rather than financial assistance for your event.
How to request AIDA Event Sponsoring:
For requesting AIDA endorsement/sponsorship of an event, please fill out the application form.
– Your application will be validated by AIDA’s Dissemination Committee, and the decision will be communicated to a) the applicant, b) AIDA secretariat, and c) AIDA management.
– The events sponsored by AIDA will be:
>> Published on the AIDA website and AI-on-Demand platform
>> Posted in AIDA’s social media
>> Shared among AIDA’s community through the mailing lists
You can send once a sponsored event message to the AIDA email list.
The AIDA secretariat posts the event in “AIDA sponsored events” for better event promotion and social media campaigns shortly follow.