AIDA Curator

AIDA Curator is to curate useful educational material (own or third party’s ones) related to her/his expertise and topic. More specifically:

    1. Find and upload links to copyright-free useful educational material (own or third party’s ones) related to her own topic in the AIDA Educational Resources
    2. Find and upload links to copyrighted or for-fee useful educational material (own or third party’s ones) related to her own topic in the AIDA Educational Resources.
    3. Send out messages in the AIDA communication channels on few very important new uploaded educational resources.
    4. Identify invited lecturers for the AIDA AI excellence lectures on own topic.
    5. AIDA Senior: Deliver invited lectures in AIDA and beyond on own expertise topics (possibly as an itinerant AIDA troubadour).
    6. AIDA Senior: Maintain an on-line white paper on own expertise topic and publish it as review paper in quality journals every now and then.


Rémi Mignot (Institut De Recherche de Coordination Acoustique Musique- IRCAM)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Music/Sound Analysis and Synthesis

Anna Schjøtt Hansen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Specific expertise: AI for Society
AI Educational Taxonomy: AI Ethics and Governance

Fabrizio Sebastiani (Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Natural Language Processing and Analysis

Jakob Abesser (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Music/Sound Analysis and Synthesis

Adrian Popescu (Commissariat A L Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Web and Social Media Analysis/Mining

Nicu Sebe (Universita degli studi di Trento)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision

Ioannis Maniadis (Queen Mary University of London)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Data-driven learning

Ioannis Patras (Queen Mary University of London)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Data-driven learning

Lidia Dutkiewicz (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
AI Educational Taxonomy: AI Ethics and Governance

Ioannis Pitas (Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

Hannes Fassold (Joanneum Research)
Specific expertise: Distributed training, Manifold learning
AI Educational Taxonomy: Distributed and Federated learning

Vasileios Mezaris (Ethiko Kentro Erevnas Kai Techologikis Anaptyxis)
Specific expertise: Video summarization, explainable AI
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision

Mara Graziani (Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale)
Specific expertise: Interpretability, explainable AI
AI Educational Taxonomy: Explainable AI

Pietro Pala (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Specific expertise: 3D Computer Vision, Geometric learning
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision

Lorenzo Seidenari (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Specific expertise: Memory Networks
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision


Juan Carlos Nieves (Umeå University, Sweden)

Davide Bacciu (UNIPI)
Specific expertise: DL for graphs, continual learning
AI Educational Taxonomy: Deep Learning


Daniel Le Berre (Artois University)
Specific expertise: Knowledge representation and constraint programming
AI Educational Taxonomy: AI Paradigms and Representations

Vicenc Gomez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Learning paradigms and settings

Gabriel Luque (University of Malaga)
Specific expertise: Data science project management, soft computing, combinatorial optimisation, and generative adversarial networks
AI Educational Taxonomy: Deciding and Learning How to Act

Outside projects

Andrea Pozzi (Università Cattolica)
Specific expertise: Machine learning and its applications, in particular in the context of predictive maintenance of industrial plants, natural language processing and optimal control of energy systems
AI Educational Taxonomy: Machine learning approaches

Walter Palmetshofer (TU Wien)
Specific expertise: Digital Humanism
AI Educational Taxonomy: Human-Centric AI