AIDA Curator
AIDA Curator is to curate useful educational material (own or third party’s ones) related to her/his expertise and topic. More specifically:
- Find and upload links to copyright-free useful educational material (own or third party’s ones) related to her own topic in the AIDA Educational Resources
- Find and upload links to copyrighted or for-fee useful educational material (own or third party’s ones) related to her own topic in the AIDA Educational Resources.
- Send out messages in the AIDA communication channels on few very important new uploaded educational resources.
- Identify invited lecturers for the AIDA AI excellence lectures on own topic.
- AIDA Senior: Deliver invited lectures in AIDA and beyond on own expertise topics (possibly as an itinerant AIDA troubadour).
- AIDA Senior: Maintain an on-line white paper on own expertise topic and publish it as review paper in quality journals every now and then.
Rémi Mignot (Institut De Recherche de Coordination Acoustique Musique- IRCAM)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Music/Sound Analysis and Synthesis
Anna Schjøtt Hansen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Specific expertise: AI for Society
AI Educational Taxonomy: AI Ethics and Governance
Fabrizio Sebastiani (Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Natural Language Processing and Analysis
Jakob Abesser (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Music/Sound Analysis and Synthesis
Adrian Popescu (Commissariat A L Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Web and Social Media Analysis/Mining
Nicu Sebe (Universita degli studi di Trento)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision
Ioannis Maniadis (Queen Mary University of London)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Data-driven learning
Ioannis Patras (Queen Mary University of London)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Data-driven learning
Lidia Dutkiewicz (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
AI Educational Taxonomy: AI Ethics and Governance
Ioannis Pitas (Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Hannes Fassold (Joanneum Research)
Specific expertise: Distributed training, Manifold learning
AI Educational Taxonomy: Distributed and Federated learning
Vasileios Mezaris (Ethiko Kentro Erevnas Kai Techologikis Anaptyxis)
Specific expertise: Video summarization, explainable AI
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision
Mara Graziani (Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale)
Specific expertise: Interpretability, explainable AI
AI Educational Taxonomy: Explainable AI
Pietro Pala (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Specific expertise: 3D Computer Vision, Geometric learning
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision
Lorenzo Seidenari (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Specific expertise: Memory Networks
AI Educational Taxonomy: Computer Vision
Juan Carlos Nieves (Umeå University, Sweden)
Davide Bacciu (UNIPI)
Specific expertise: DL for graphs, continual learning
AI Educational Taxonomy: Deep Learning
Daniel Le Berre (Artois University)
Specific expertise: Knowledge representation and constraint programming
AI Educational Taxonomy: AI Paradigms and Representations
Vicenc Gomez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
AI Educational Taxonomy: Learning paradigms and settings
Gabriel Luque (University of Malaga)
Specific expertise: Data science project management, soft computing, combinatorial optimisation, and generative adversarial networks
AI Educational Taxonomy: Deciding and Learning How to Act
Outside projects
Andrea Pozzi (Università Cattolica)
Specific expertise: Machine learning and its applications, in particular in the context of predictive maintenance of industrial plants, natural language processing and optimal control of energy systems
AI Educational Taxonomy: Machine learning approaches
Walter Palmetshofer (TU Wien)
Specific expertise: Digital Humanism
AI Educational Taxonomy: Human-Centric AI