Deep Learning

Deep Learning

Intermediate, Broad, Algorithmic, Methodological.
This topic covers the design, implementation, and optimisation of deep learning architectures.
Deep Learning

Learning outcomes

Content /

Students should be able to:

  • Understand and design different deep learning architectures including convolution and residual networks, transformers and diffusion models. Develop architectures for high dimensional data and also dynamic/time varying data.
  • Design and implement different optimisation procedures, using  differentiable programming (automatic differentiation/ back-propagation), as well as optimisation by stochastic gradient methods combined with acceleration and variance reduction techniques (mini-batching/normalisation).
Students should be able to:
  • Design and develop deep learning solutions taking advantage of available libraries and compute infrastructure.
  • Correctly set the value of hyper-parameters for model evaluation and model selection in deep networks
  • Evaluate the accuracy of the derived solutions in a systematic way, using available benchmarks and considering different performance metrics.
Students should be able to:
  • Work effectively with others in an interdisciplinary and/or international team.
  • Design and manage individual projects.
  • Clearly and succinctly communicate their ideas to technical audiences.