As AI technology is getting increasingly mature, we see a broad deployment of AI in many application domains. However, this increases the demands on properties related to trustworthiness like robustness, privacy, transparency, accountability as well as explainability. In this talk, I will demonstrate what this means for future AI methodology and how we can reach those goals. Furthermore, for some of these properties like privacy and robustness, we can even provide guarantees so that we can ensure that these properties also hold in the future. Besides trustworthiness of AI, misinformation and deepfakes are becoming key concerns in terms of the negative effects that AI can have on society. I’ll discuss the larger ecosystem around misinformation and different approaches to mitigate these pressing issues in the future. Finally, Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT4 have demonstrated how AI deployment is reaching millions of users, which in turn puts a magnifying glass on some of the issues mentioned before. I’ll demonstrate cybersecurity concerns and threats that emerge from the recent trend of application-integrated LLMs and AI assistants as well as sketch how future development will initiate completely new research challenges in this domain.
Prof. Dr. Mario Fritz is a faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, an honorary professor at Saarland University, and a fellow of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS). Until 2018, he led a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science. Previously, he was a PostDoc at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) and UC Berkeley after receiving his PhD from TU Darmstadt and studying computer science at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. His research focuses on trustworthy artificial intelligence, especially at the intersection of information security and machine learning. He is Associate Editor of the journal “IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) and has published over 100 articles in top conferences and journals. Currently, he is coordinating the Network of Excellence in AI “ELSA — European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI” which is an ELLIS ( initiative that is funded by the EU and connects universities, research institutes, and industry partners across Europe (