In this lecture I will review problems related to the development of autonomous aerial robots able to have long range- endurance flights, but also to interact physically with persons and objects in the environment. I will also consider aerial manipulation, including manipulation while flying but also after perching. In the lecture I will present results of the ERC Advanced Grant GRIFFIN and also of the H2020 projects AERIAL-CORE and HYFLIERS.
Anibal Ollero is full Professor and Head of the GRVC Robotics laboratory at University Seville, and Scientific Advisor of the Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC) also in Seville. He has been full professor at the Universities of Santiago and Malaga (Spain) and researcher at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA) and LAAS-CNRS (Toulouse, France). He authored more than 750 publications, supervised or co-supervised 47 PhD Thesis and led more than 160 research projects, participating in more than 25 projects of the European Research Programmes being coordinator of 7 and associated or deputy coordinator of 3, all of them dealing with unmanned aerial systems and aerial robots. He has transferred technologies in 37 contracts with companies and has been awarded with 26 international research and innovation awards. He is IEEE Fellow, co-chair of the “IEEE Technical Committee on Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”, coordinator of the “Aerial Robotics Topic Group” of euRobotics and member of the “euRobotics Board of Directors” until March 2019. He has been also founder and president of the Spanish Society for the Research and Development in Robotics (SEIDROB) until November 2017.