AI, Large Language Models and University Education

Tuesday 12th September 2023 17:00 – 18:00 CEST


Professor Ioannis Pitas


This lecture overviews the impact of AI, and Large Language Models, particularly of ChatGPT language model in Education, e.g., in Universities. First it present the ChatGPT transformer structure and ChatGPT training. It also overviews ChatGPT capabilities in language processing (e.g., text translation, summarization, text sentiment analysis, dialogue tasks, misinformation detection, code understanding and generation). The ChatGPT implications on education are presented, notably its capabilities to reply exam questions, including mathematical and programming ones. ChatGPT raises serious issues with respect to both its constructive use in education environments and its malicious use in course projects and exams. The impact of Large Language Models, and more generally Generative AI, in the structure of University education is detailed, as all sciences are increasingly mathematized and new scientific disciplines emerge (e.g., AI Science and Engineering) or are expected to emerge (e.g., Mind and Social Science and Engineering). LLM memory/inference capabilities, limitations (e.g., halucinations), and open questions and regulatory proposals are presented. Finally, a possible overhaul of the education system at all levels is proposed to address social challenges coming out of the extensive LLM and Generative AI use.


Prof. Ioannis Pitas (IEEE fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, EURASIP fellow) received the Diploma and PhD degree in Electrical Engineering, both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. Since 1994, he has been a Professor at the Department of Informatics of AUTH and Director of the Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis (AIIA) lab. He served as a Visiting Professor at several Universities.

His current interests are in the areas of computer vision, machine learning, autonomous systems, intelligent digital media, image/video processing, human-centred computing, affective computing, 3D imaging and biomedical imaging. He has published over 920 papers, contributed to 45 books in his areas of interest and edited or (co-)authored another 15 books. He has also been member of the program committee of many scientific conferences and workshops. In the past he served as Associate Editor or co-Editor of 13 international journals and General or Technical Chair of 5 international conferences. He delivered 120 keynote/invited speeches worldwide. He co-organized 33 conferences and participated in technical committees of 291 conferences. He participated in 75+ R&D projects, primarily funded by the European Union and is/was principal investigator in 47 such projects. He is the coordinator of the Horizon Europe R&D project TEMA, AUTH principal investigator in H2020 R&D projects Aerial Core, AI4Media (one of the 4 H2020 ICT48 AI flagship projects) and Horizon Europe R&D projects AI4Europe, SIMAR. He is chair of the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA)  He was chair and initiator of the IEEE Autonomous Systems Initiative Prof. Pitas led the big European H2020 R&D project MULTIDRONE: He has 36500+ citations to his work and h-index 90+. According to he is ranked first in Greece and 319 worldwide in the field of Computer Science (2022).



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