e-Symposium 2023: Analysing arguments from political debates: obtained results and open challenges


Serena Villata

About the resource/s
Argumentation in political context has been studied since antiquity, and it still raises a continuous inquiry given the challenging topic. As underlined by Aristotle, rhetorical argumentation is closely associated with ethics and politics, and, whilst in principle contextindependent, “argument analysis is particularly pertinent to forms of argumentation in public contexts’’. These argumentation studies applied to the political context mainly illustrate theoretical investigations of forms of argumentation with examples drawn from political discourse, with the final goal of analyzing representative instantiations of argumentative phenomena such as fallacies or to analyze practical argumentation in various forms of political discourse. In this talk, we will first discuss the notion of argumentation in political discourse and then we will present the main strategic manoeuvring adopted in political argumentation. We will conclude with a focus on fallacious arguments in political debates.